Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Scene 40

Setting: Marto house

Msgr. Riveiro

Sr. L: The Tinsmith had a few more tricks up his sleeve. Two days later, on the morning of the August 13th, we were to see him again.

(Olimpia and Joano are cleaning. Antonio comes in without knocking.)

Olimpia: (unconcerned) Hello, Antonio.

Antonio: (Tired, hurried) The Tinsmith is coming. He wants to see the children.

Olimpia: St. Joseph! (starts to faint, caught by Antonio who brings her to a chair)

Antonio: Joano, get your mother a glass of water.

(He does so running, but she comes to before he returns.)

Olimpia: (To Antonio) Where’s Ti?

Antonio: Out in the fields, I guess.

Olimpia: (gets up and runs to the door, calling out in desperation) Manuel! Manuel! Come immediately!

(She goes in the door, satisfied he heard her. The clip-clop of horses is heard. There is the heavy sound of feet walking to the front door. A knock at the door.)

Antonio: (The only one looking out the window) Well, he does have a priest with him.

Olimpia: Be careful Antonio!

(Antonio opens the door.)

Antonio: Yes?

Tin: Mr. dos Santos?

Antonio: What do you want?

Tin: Can Father and I come in?

Antonio: Far be it for me to close the door on a priest. (Steps away, they enter.)

Tin: Mr. dos Santos, Mrs. Marto? I’d like you to meet Father Ferdinand Riveiro, the archpriest of Porto de Mos.

Fr. R: How do you do? (reaching his hand out to shake their hands)

Antonio: (Shaking Father’s hand) Good morning, Father.

Fr. R: And Mrs. Marto?

(Olimpia says nothing, but grabs hold of Joano and hides behind Antonio.)

Tin: Well, I guess you’re asking yourself...

(Ti runs in.)

Tin: (fake pleasantry) Mr. Marto, just the man I was hoping to see.

Ti: I bet I was. Who let this man in my house?

Tin: Please, Mr. Marto, please don’t let the unpleasantry of Friday cloud things for you.

Ti: Mr. Administrator, I...

Tin: You see, I too want to attend the miracle (gives them a moment for reaction, he gets a little nervous) We’re all going together. I will take the little ones in my carriage.

Ti: That will not be necessary, Mr. Administrator.

Tin: Nonsense, Mr. Marto, I don’t mind, at all.

Ti: Why do you want to come, Mr. Administrator?

Tin: To see and believe, like St. Thomas! (looks around, noticeably more nervous) So ... uh ... aren’t the little ones around?

Ti: They’re in the pasture, Mr. Administrator.

Tin: (To Joano, holding out candy) Now, would this be Francisco?

(Olimpia holds on to him, almost hiding him)

Ti: This is my son, Joano, Mr. Administrator.

Tin: Oh. (disappointed, pulling back candy) It’s getting late. It would be better to call them.

Ti: That’s not necessary. They are well aware of when they need to get back.

(right then, the three seers get back from the pasture.)

Tin: (holding out candy, pouring it on) Ah! My precious children!

(The children take a step back, afraid of him.)

Tin: Don’t you want some candy?

(The children shake their heads)

Tin: Well, we’d better get going. We’ll take my carriage.

Lucia: No thank you, sir, we know how to get there.

Tin: Come on, children.

Francisco: It’s not necessary, sir

Tin: It will be better that way.

Lucia: No, thank you, sir.

Ti: Mr. Admin...

Tin: We can be there in a moment and nobody will bother us on the way.

Ti: They know the way quite well, Mr. Administrator. They could go there alone.

Tin: Then let us go to Fatima. I have something to ask Fr. Ferreira.

(Ti and Antonio look at each other. Ti shakes his head, Antonio shrugs his shoulders)

Ti: Remember. The Cova by noon.

Tin: Oh, I insist!

(Other than the Tinsmith’s laughing, the seven process out the door to the carriage in silence.)

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