Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Scene 53

Setting: The Cova

Mrs. DV
Mrs. G
Careira family
Our Lady

Sr. L: There were over twenty-five thousand people at the Cova..

(throngs of people come to the Cova, many kneel down and start to pray the Rosary.)

(Mrs. do Varmo and Mrs. Gomes walk together.)

Mrs. DV: And I would really like to see the Woman, Imelda.

Mrs. G: Oh, perish the thought!

Mrs. DV: I’m surprised at you, Imelda.

Mrs. G: Oh, goodness, Rita. I’m just honored to be here. But... (acting like she is struck with a thought.) You know, though, Jacinta brought back a branch with her once.

Mrs DV: Really?

Mrs. G: Oh, yes, and it gave off the most exquisite scent.

Mrs. DV: Really?

Mrs. G: Even though I wouldn’t dream of being granted the privilege of seeing her (pulls out a HUGE mason jar from her purse), I’m sure the Lady wouldn’t begrudge me if I asked her for just a few drops, the most insignificant residue of her perfume.

Mrs. DV: Oh.

Sr. L: Every man uncovered his head, and nearly everyone knelt. It was a pilgrimage worthy of the name.

(group scene. Many are praying the Rosary, others are making their way. Manuel and the seers go through)

Manuel: Let them through! Let them through!

Pilgrims: Ask her to cure my son!
And my blind child!
Ask my husband to come home from the war!
Ask her to convert a sinner!
To cure me from tuberculosis!
Mrs. DV: And to convert my husband!

(Lucia looks around, and then joins her cousins who are already kneeling and praying the Rosary. Keep this scene going for a while.)

Sr. L: Now, when I read in the New Testament about our Lord passing through Palestine, I think our Lord allowed me to see that while yet a child, on the road from Aljustrel to Fatima and on the Cova da Iria. I give thanks to God for the faith of these good Portuguese people. If they so humbled themselves before three poor children because they had the grace to see the Mother of God, what would they do if they saw our Lord Himself before them?

Lucia: Here she comes!

(The sun dims, and various colors of light are shown. Our Lady stands on top of the tree, during the apparition, there periodically falls white flower petals from the sky)

Lucia: What do you want of me?

Our Lady: Continue to say the Rosary to obtain the end of the war. In October, our Lord will come, as well as Our Lady of Sorrows and Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. St. Joseph will appear with the Child Jesus to bless the world. God is pleased with your sacrifices. He does not want you to sleep with the rope on, but only to wear it in the daytime.

Lucia: I was told to ask you of many things: the cure of a deaf-mute, the cure of some sick people…

Our Lady: Yes, I will cure some, but not others, because our Lord does not trust them.

Lucia: The people would like to have a chapel here.

Our Lady: With half the money make litters to be carried in procession on the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary; the other half is for the chapel.

Lucia: (pulls out two letters and a little bottle) Somebody gave me these. Do you want them?

Our Lady: Those are not needed in heaven. In October, I will perform a miracle so that all may believe.

(Our Lady disappears.)

Lucia: There she goes!

(The people rise.)

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