Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Scene 5

Setting: the Cabeco

Angel of Portugal

(Three shepherd children are tending sheep. Francisco is singing over and over again “Ave, Ave, Ave Maria” like from Immaculate Mary. Jacinta and Lucia are half-heartedly playing, while keeping the sheep in line while all three walk.)

Sr. L: (off camera) I was watching sheep with my cousins. I was nine years old at the time, Francisco was seven, and Jacinta was only six. We moved the sheep to a small hill called the Cabeço.

(After about twenty seconds, Lucia and Jacinta stop playing and watch the sheep in earnest as they walk. At the cue:)

Lucia: Francisco, will you stop! You’re driving me crazy!

Francisco: (a little dejected) Oh, all right.

Jacinta: (correcting her) Lucia! What would your mother say if she heard you stop someone from singing to Our Lady?

Lucia: (After a while) I’m sorry, Francisco, keep on singing.

Francisco: That’s all right, Lucia, I don’t feel like singing any more.

Lucia: (After a while, singing) Ave, Ave, Ave Maria.

Francisco: It’s almost time for lunch.

Lucia: We can eat our lunches when we get to the other side of the hill.

(Francisco nods and Jacinta says nothing. Then a thunderclap.)

Lucia: Uh-oh, it looks like it’s going to rain.

Francisco: I told you we should have brought our umbrellas.


Lucia: Where are we going to hide around here?

(It’s still raining. There is a small tree in the foreground, and the children are in the background. Francisco points to the tree.)

Francisco: What about under this tree?

(The children go underneath the tree, but still get wet. Jacinta starts to cry loudly.)

Jacinta: I’m wet.

Lucia: This is no good. Look around.

(From another angle, you can see a cave in a short distance.

Francisco: (Pointing to a cave) Look! A cave!

(The children run to the cave. Lucia holding Jacinta’s hand, Jacinta still crying. There isn’t much room. They are sopping wet, and still clutching their lunches. Francisco is looking around.)

Francisco: This should do for now.

Lucia: We should probably eat our lunches now. (All make the Sign of the Cross) Bless us

All: O Lord, and these your gifts we are about to receive from your bounty, through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

(They start to eat their sandwiches.)

Lucia: (after a few seconds) All better now, Jacinta?

(Jacinta nods her head without looking up or stopping eating)

Francisco: Listen, the rain stopped!

Lucia: (poking her head out) The sun’s back out. We should pray our Rosary now. (Children come out. They kneel and pull out Rosaries from their pockets.) We’ll do the short version.

Lucia: (Hurrying to get it over with) I believe.
Francisco & Jacinta: I believe.
Lucia: Our Father.
F & L: Our Father.
Lucia: Hail Mary.
F & L: Hail Mary.
Lucia: Hail Mary.
F & L: Hail Mary.
Lucia: Hail Mary.
F & L: Hail Mary.
Lucia: Glory be.
F&L: Glory be.
Lucia: (right away tags Francisco) You’re it!

(the children play tag and giggle. The Angel comes in the distance. The children make Jacinta “it” and approach the Angel. Lucia and Francisco stop in their tracks when they see the Angel.)

Sr. Lucia (offscreen): We spent much of the day there. Then a strong wind blew and we saw a figure approaching us.

(Francisco and Lucia stand with their mouths gaping open. Jacinta, giggling, tags one of them. And runs off.)

Jacinta: You’re it.

(Jacinta turns, takes a couple of steps, and realizes no one’s playing anymore. Finally she sees the Angel and stands with her mouth wide open.)

Angel: Don’t fear! I am the Angel of Peace. Pray with me.

(The Angel turns away from the camera reverently on his knees, hands, and forehead, facing away from the children; the children imitate him immediately)

Angel : (alone) My God, I believe in you, I adore you, I hope in you, and I love you. I ask pardon for all those who do not believe in you, do not adore you, do not hope in you, and do not love you.

(The shot is of the children prostate. The girls pray with him starting the second time, Jacinta flubbing the words at first. Francisco only comes in the third time.)

Angel and children: My God, I believe in you, I adore you, I hope in you, and I love you. I ask pardon for all those who do not believe in you, do not adore you, do not hope in you, and do not love you.

(The Angel gets up, and the children remain kneeling, but upright)

Angel: Pray in this way. The Hearts of Jesus and Mary are attentive to the voice of your supplications.

(The children again prostrate and recite the prayer two more times, as the Angel walks off. The children go through the prayer a couple of times, gradually get up, look at each other and walk off slowly.)

Sr. L: (off screen.) The supernatural atmosphere was so intense, that for a long moment, we barely realized our own existence. We remained for several hours in that position, always reciting that same prayer. The presence of God made itself felt so intensely and intimately that we didn’t even dare to speak among ourselves.

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